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Friday, February 27, 2015

Interview and Giveaway: Infected: Prey by Andrea Speed

What inspired you to become an author?

My grandmother was a writer, so it was just something that was always a viable option. I actually don’t know how people who didn’t grow up with a writer ever got around to it. I also feel the same way about people who don’t patronize their local library.

Do you write in different genres? 

Oh yes. I think genre writing is the best writing. I love to combine them and smash them together, even if only a trace of one bleeds into the other. It’s lots of fun.

If yes which is your favorite genre to write? 

So many! It’s hard for me to pick a favorite, because it is very mood based. Some days I want to write a mystery, other days a sci-fi, and still others horror. And on other days, I want to throw them all in a blender and see what happens.

Do you title the book first or wait until after it’s complete? 

Usually they’re the last thing I pick, because I am so terrible at them.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 

Life is short, and some risks are worth taking.

Is the book, characters, or any scenes based on a true life experience, someone you know, or events in your own life? 

Some, but so coated in fiction I think they’d be impossible to recognize. And that’s a good thing in the case of the first character to die on page, as he is based loosely on a person I do not like.

What books/authors have influenced your life? 

The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas are huge influences on me, but you probably never would have guessed that. So are the works of Raymond Chandler and Joseph Hansen. I think if I started listing all the books that influenced my life, the list might not stop.

What books are in your to read pile? 

So many! I’ll just pick the top three. This Is Not A Love Story by Suki Fleet, The Hitman Cometh by Edward Kendrick, and Meatworks by Jordan Castillo Price.

What is your current “work in progress” or upcoming projects? 

I’m writing a Holden spin-off of the Infected series, and a supervillain love story. And I have a lot of other things in the works.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?  

(This is from the supervillain story, currently titled Hearts of Darkness)

Not for the first time, Kaede wondered what would happen if he decided to burn everything down. Just set it all on fire.
He wouldn't, Fleur De Lis was a great restaurant, but sometimes he wondered what his father's limit was. Would he find a way to bail him out of everything? It wasn't a boundaries thing, he wasn't a child craving them, he was just curious if there was a line he couldn't cross. Maybe when your dad was a super-villain, you just got used to the evil after a while.
Even though he was currently attending university under a fake identity, his father still made sure enough people knew he had some kind of connection that he was always treated like a VIP. Kaede found it awkward and tiresome, although he knew he shouldn't complain about superior service. But the elitism of it all did bother him.
Currently, he was the only lone diner in the VIP section. There were two couples, one older and one younger, although they were a study in contrasts. The older couple looked like a long time married folks out for an anniversary dinner, while the younger couple was a guy with slicked back hair and a thousand dollar suit, and a fancy coifed woman whom he was willing to bet was a working girl. A high class one to be sure, but still a hooker. What kind of douchebag was that guy? Was he living out some kind of Pretty Woman fantasy? He was probably a stockbroker or something like that. Kaede hated him on principal.
Otherwise, the VIP section was empty. They had faint piano music and two waiters all to themselves. The rest of the place, the noisier, more crowded part of the restaurant, was separated by a doorway that most people probably didn't know existed. You entered and exited through a private door, so you never had to associate with the riff raff. Kaede wondered if his dad liked this, and that's why he insisted on him getting the same treatment.

His soup arrived, and he shared polite smiles with the waiter, who was handsome enough, if on the short side. Was he gay? Kaede may have been the son of a super-villain, but he had no gaydar at all, and his father never invented a thing that could do that for him. Or had he? He should ask, if he ever saw him again.
He might not. Kaede sporadically saw his father, and with little warning. It had been that way his entire life. Because so many people wanted to kill his dad or blackmail him into working for them, Kaede was a target from day one. So his father kept him moving, with new lives on new continents with new names and new guardians, most of which were professional nannies. His father hadn't raised him in any respect, and he had no idea who his mother was. Every time Kaede asked, he got a different name. Since his father worked so much with cloning, he did wonder if he was his clone and not actually a son, in spite of their different names. He knew there were rumors, but Kaede also knew better than to expect any real answers from his brilliant but certifiably crazy father. 
He tucked into his soup, which was decent enough, but he found himself craving the excellent hot and sour soup he found at this Chinese place downtown. It was probably home to more than a few health code violations, but the hot and sour soup was excellent, and abundant with tofu and mushrooms. Even though he was enjoying this fancier concoction, he knew he'd probably stop after dinner to  get a bowl of the cheaper hot and sour stuff. Although his father often insisted that the more expensive the better as far as food and booze were concerned, that simply wasn't true. Well, at least not all the time.
Kaede was finally trying his wine, which he'd been letting breathe, when he heard the distant sound of breaking glass.
It wasn't someone dropping a glass. This was a solider sound, heavier, and it seemed to be out in the public part of the restaurant. Now it was possible a bottle of wine or a particularly loaded platter hit the floor, but Kaede had developed something of a sixth sense for trouble. It was possible that was an actual thing his father gengineered in him, but he'd never said.
Kaede had slipped down, beneath the table, when the inner door of the VIP section slammed open, and bullets started flying. He heard brief, aborted screams, and he was really sorry for the other diners. Well, okay, only the older couple and the working girl. Wall Street boy could eat a bag of dicks.
“We know you're here, Hayashi!” a man bellowed, as the sounds of gunshots still rung in Kaede's ears. “We'll burn this place down if we hafta! Show yourself!”

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? 

I am so bad at titles. If there is a class on learning how to title things, I need it.

Who designed the cover of your latest book? 

Anne Cain has done all the Infected covers, and she is fantastic. I couldn’t ask for a better artist.

Do you have any advice for other writers? 

Keep at it. Don’t stop. A rejection just means the story isn’t right for those people. It might be right for someone else.

Do you have a song or playlist (book soundtrack) that you think represents this book? 

I make soundtracks for all my stories, whether people want them or not. 

Infected: Prey
Infected Series
Book One
Andrea Speed

Genre: Gay mystery/urban fantasy

Publisher: DSP Publications

ISBN: 163216325X

Number of pages: 376
Word Count: 152,000

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Book Description:

In a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds.

The murder of a former cop draws Roan into an odd case where an unidentifiable species of cat appears to be showing an unusual level of intelligence. He juggles that with trying to find a missing teenage boy, who, unbeknownst to his parents, was “cat” obsessed. And when someone is brutally murdering infecteds, Eli Winters, leader of the Church of the Divine Transformation, hires Roan to find the killer before he closes in on Eli.

Working the crimes will lead Roan through a maze of hate, personal grudges, and mortal danger. With help from his tiger-strain infected partner, Paris Lehane, he does his best to survive in a world that hates and fears their kind… and occasionally worships them.

Available at    DSP Publications     Amazon


HE was on his third beer of the evening when he thought he heard a noise in the backyard.
Hank DeSilvo scowled and looked out the window over the kitchen sink full of dirty dishes. He could see nothing but darkness, and maybe a bit of reflected light from the television. This was probably a bad time to remember the back porch light had blown out two days ago, and he’d forgotten to replace it.
Not that it mattered. The only light currently in the house was coming from the television, and as long as he ignored it, he developed enough night vision to make out a shape moving in the back garden. Or was it the wind moving a shrub? Kind of hard to say.
He slammed his can down with an annoyed grunt. It was probably the Hindles’ stupid ass dog again, shitting all over the place and tearing through his garbage. He hated that fucking thing, some ugly Rottweiler mix they insisted was a “friendly” dog, and yet it always had a look in its flat, black eyes that was just this side of rabid. They never leashed the damn thing either, and apparently his yard destruction was “cute.” He was just about out of this fucking place and that damn thing had to make a final appearance. And it was final all right; he was going to make damn sure of that.
He went back to the living room, glancing at the game as he walked past—it was a fucking damn boring game anyway—and got his shotgun from the cabinet. It was illegal as all hell, a sawed-off thirty ought six with the barrels cut so short you could have stowed it under a jacket, but the barrels had been filed down expertly; it wasn’t just the rough work of a desperate amateur but the sign of a pro. Which was why, when they’d searched the drug mule’s truck and he’d found it wedged under the front seat, he hid it in his trunk and didn’t report finding it. It wouldn’t have added that much to the mule’s sentence; he already had enough rock in his glove compartment to put him away for the rest of his pointless life, especially if it was his “third strike” (and it was, no surprise there), and he doubted the guy was so stupid that he’d actually ask why he wasn’t charged with owning an illegally modified weapon. Yeah, he was dumb; you had to be dumb if you were speeding and had a few thousand in rock in the car, as well as being obviously stoned yourself. But asking after that was a special kind of stupid, the kind only politicians and people on reality television ever seemed to crest.
He cracked open the gun and made sure he had some shells loaded in it before snapping it shut again with a sharp flick of his wrist. Man that felt good. This was a real man’s weapon, made him feel a foot taller and made of pure muscle, and he knew why that meth fuckhead was carrying it around with him. A weapon like this was a real god-killer; it made you feel invincible.
It was pure overkill, of course. The Hindles’ dog was fairly big, and yet one shot from this gun would rip it in half clean down the middle, as well as make a boom loud enough to set off every car alarm on the block. But what the fuck did he care? He was an ex-cop; he’d say the dog charged him, and on his property he could shoot the fucking thing if he wanted. He’d swap out the sawed-off for his Remington before they arrived. Ballistics wouldn’t match, but by the time they proved that, he’d be long gone. Good-bye, shit-hole city; hello, tropical paradise. It was just a shame that it took him this long to collect.
He stood at the back door for a moment, cradling the shotgun gently, and let his eyes get adjusted to the dark before going out onto the concrete patio. He had a mini Maglite with him with a red lens over the bulb, so if there was something he needed to see he could twist it on without losing his night vision. Not that he needed to make a direct hit; even if he just winged the dog, he’d probably rip half its face off, maybe a leg.
First step off the patio his foot squelched in something; it felt too liquid to be shit, but the smell that hit him was meaty, redolent of shit and offal and God knew what else. Had that fucking dog already strewn his garbage about? Goddamn it.
Holding the shotgun in one arm, he turned on the flashlight and looked down at what he’d stepped in.
At first it looked like a puddle, which didn’t make sense since it hadn’t rained in a week, and the thought that it was dog piss was dismissed since it was dark, and dog piss wasn’t usually black. Or was that red-black? Swinging the light outwards, he saw greasy, ropey strands that couldn’t have come from his garbage can, and then a big hunk of raw, bloody meat like a lamb shank… only it was too long and thin to be a shank, too dark, and ended in a paw.
It was a Rottweiler leg.
Someone—something—had dismembered the Hindles’ psychotic dog and spread about a third of it all over his backyard. He saw the leg, which was the biggest piece, an assortment of internal organs, loops of intestines laid out like fallen party streamers, and lots of blood. But where was the other two thirds of the dog?
The hair stood up on the back of his neck, and he knew he had to get the fuck inside now. But as he turned, shotgun at the ready and braced against his hip, he saw the flash of white teeth in the dim moonlight, and his brain sent out the impulse to pull the trigger.
He didn’t have time to wonder why it never happened as the teeth ripped open his throat.

About the Author:

Andrea Speed was born looking for trouble in some hot month without an R in it. While succeeding in finding Trouble, she has also been found by its twin brother, Clean Up, and is now on the run, wanted for the murder of a mop and a really cute, innocent bucket that was only one day away from retirement. (I was framed, I tell you - framed!)

In her spare time, she arms lemurs in preparation for the upcoming war against the Mole Men. Viva la revolution!

Twitter: @aspeed

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Interview with Stefany Rattles

What inspired you to become an author? 

Reading Twilight… after reading that book I decided I wanted to write my own vampires story.

Do you have a specific writing style? 

Not really.

Do you write in different genres? 

I write in YA Paranormal Romance & Contemporary Romance but I do have plans for an Erotica book.

If yes which is your favorite genre to write? 

My favorite is probably YA Paranormal Romance. I just enjoy being the creator of the world and giving them supernatural abilities. It’s awesome.

How did you come up with the title for your latest book? 

For Wildest Dreams? At first I couldn’t decide if that’s what I wanted to name it but after a while it kind of seemed to fit the theme of the book. I was trying to think about how someone you never imagined would like you in a romantic way, ends up in love with you and how would that make you feel? I think the title shows that Alaina didn’t think in her Wildest Dreams Rayden would actually ever be with her.

Do you title the book first or wait until after it’s complete? 

At first I started out writing the book and then choosing the title but now it kind of comes at the same time. I’ll know what the book will be about and come up with a title then I’ll start writing it.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 

I would say the message is that if it that relationship is meant to be, it will be. But I like for the readers to tell me what they got from the story. What is the message or morals that they got?

What is your current “work in progress” or upcoming projects? 

I’m working on Bad Romance which will be out in the spring of this year. Also, the third installment of Dark Night and the sequel to Wildest Dreams are a working progress right now.

Can you share a little of your current work with us? 

My latest book is called Bad Romance. It is a spin-off of Wildest Dreams and it has mostly new characters with appearances by favorite characters from Wildest Dreams.

Do you have to travel much to do research for your books? 

I don’t. If there’s something specific I need I can Google it or go to the library.

Who designed the cover of your latest book

I did, I’ve designed most of my book covers.

Wildest Dreams
Sweet Dreams Series
Book 1
Stefany Rattles

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense

ISBN: 978-1500659530

Number of pages: 172
Word Count: 50,863
Cover Artist: Stefany Rattles

Book Description:

When nineteen year old Alaina Sanders scores a position as an assistant at L&A law firm where her lifetime crush Rayden Matthews happens to work, feelings and emotions from the past resurface. With the physical attraction stronger than ever, soon they find themselves in a complicated situation. Rayden is engaged to his high school sweet-heart, but things are not what they seem and Rayden must make a choice before it’s too late.

L and A is Alaina’s first professional job, needless to say that the last thing she wants is drama or to lose her job. Unfortunately she finds herself surrounded by a series of events that are out of her control… like a stalker for one.

When her work and personal life intertwine, how will she be able to handle them? In a boring town like Springdale, Arkansas how much worse can things get for Alaina?

Available at Amazon Kindle and Paperback

Enter to win a paperback copy at Stefany’s website


The first time that I saw Rayden Matthews, I was in seventh grade. We were both on a bus on our way to school I was talking to my friend at the time, Daisy.
"I'll give you back your homework before you go to math class." she was saying.
I nodded, 'Okay, don't forget because if I don't turn it in today I’ll get an__ Ow!"
My hair had been pulled.
That day, I had it up in a ponytail and it wasn't short.
I turned around in my seat and scowled at the stupid boy that pulled it.
There were two of them.
"What was that for?" I glared at both of them.
They both looked a little older than me about two years but not much.
The boy sitting by the window pointed at his friend who was intentionally looking away from me.
Daisy giggled beside me.
Since neither one responded I turned back around in my seat and forgot about them, that is, until my hair was lightly pulled again.
"Hey!" I spun around, "why are you bugging me?"
The boy by the window laughed hard while his friend turned a little red, "he likes you," explained the friend.
I looked from one to the other, trying to figure out if it was a joke. But as I looked at the kid that wouldn't look me in the eye I could tell he was blushing.
He was cute.
"What's your name?" I asked him and just when he met my eyes and was about to answer, the bus came to an abrupt stop and all the kids jumped out of their seats shoving one another.
The kid that liked me and his friend quickly walked past me and left the bus. Daisy and I shared a confused look and then we both stepped off the bus.
"His name's Rayden," said Daisy as she handed me back my math homework, "he's in the ninth grade."
We were both now in the cafeteria getting lunch. Daisy had told me that she had seen the kid -Rayden- before, she had friends who had friends who were friends with him. Finding out his name was not going to be a problem, she'd said.
In a matter of hours she managed to find out what it was.
"Ninth grade?" I asked a little skeptical.
She gave me a look. "That's only two years! It's not like's old or something."
Conversation stops for a few minutes while we get our tray with food and sit to eat.
"So anyway, his name's Rayden Matthews, he's in the ninth grade and he's cute." So Daisy thought so too, well that made two of us.
I rolled my eyes. “Do you see him anywhere?” I asked while I looked around the cafeteria myself but there were too many kids, hard to find one out of over a hundred.
Daisy shook her head, “he’s a ninth grader, so he’s probably the other half that eats after we do.”
She had a point.
Days later I don’t really pay attention to Rayden, I didn’t think he was taking the bus to or from school.
I didn’t see him.
Daisy wanted to talk about him and his friend, she said that his friend’s dad had been taking them to school extra early because of band practice and they also stayed after school.
I told her that I didn’t care. There were many boys and it’s not like at that point I was old enough to date yet, especially a ninth grader.
But I saw him again.
I was at the school library, looking through books. After searching for over fifteen minutes I picked one of those mystery/scary books and was ready to check out, Daisy was with me.
“Oh my god,” she covered her mouth.
I looked over at the direction where she was staring.
“Oh.” There he was, standing by a window looking at some books on a shelf. The sun light was hitting him directly and he’s hair looks a little lighter, it almost looks like there’s a halo. He’s__
Our eyes met and we stare at each other for a minute…
In that very moment, it’s like the world had stopped and it literally revolved around us. We had made a connection deeper than anything I could have felt in my life. It was a weird feeling that as young girl I could not possibly explain to anyone, ever. The only word that could come to mind was mesmerizing.
It was mesmerizing.
And then I’m being pulled.
“Ah!” Daisy is pulling my arm and I’m trying to shove her out of the way.
“Hey,” He said to me and smiles.
I smiled back.
“We have to go back to class,” said Daisy pointing at the clock on the wall.
“Fine,” I looked over my shoulder one more time. And catch Rayden looking at me and then he walked away.
I didn’t understand why Daisy didn’t want me to talk to Rayden and then other times when she where she would be such a brat.
Later I found out she had a crush on him.
Well wasn't that great!
She was my best friend for about a year until I realized what a sneaky… you know, she really was.
A little later I met Brie.
Rayden and I spoke on a few occasions. I finally got his phone number a year later and called him.
We had the longest conversations and it was nice talking to him. There were times where we even passed notes during school but it never went beyond that. I even tried to hook him up with some Costa Rican chick that he’d been crushing on but unfortunately for him -and fortunately for me- she was never interested.
Daisy transfers to a different school and as far as I know, she has no communication with Rayden.
One day I discovered he had a girlfriend, he was dating a teacher’s daughter her name wasn’t important. I still talked to him and we still wrote to each other, once in a while.
Eventually they broke up.
One day we stopped talking, I was fifteen and new to high school. I learned that he had a new girlfriend, Jessica. She had a pretty face, not a great body. But I could tell he really liked her, not because of her looks but maybe it was her personality, that’s just the kind of guy he was.
It wasn’t fair but all through high school they continued dating. I did meet someone and we started a relationship that lasted a few years, we even lived together.
But it wasn’t the same and that’s why I was single again.
I saw him from a distance for the rest of the week. We didn’t end up in the elevator together again.
Which was only a little disappointing but I got over it.
From a distance I could see a few changes in Rayden. He had more of a toned body than he used to, he had a confident walk unlike the shy boy I remembered.
I wished I could talk to him...

About the Author:

Stefany Rattles, lived in Los Angeles California for eight years and then moved to Arkansas and has been living there ever since. She has a full time office job and writes on her free time.

She wrote Dark Night when she was eighteen years old after it sat on her computer for several years. One day that she decided to work on it and finish it. Now, she has published 3 books, one of them is her first New Adult- Contemporary Romantic Suspense book in the Sweet Dreams Series.

She graduated Springdale High in 2007. Currently she is also attending Post University and hopes to get her degree in Computer Science.

She loves to read, write, read and write… when she’s not playing with her two little ones.

The Witch Within by Jacqueline Paige

The Witch Within
Ancestor’s Enchantment Trilogy
Jacqueline Paige

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Eternal Press

Date of Publication: December 1 2014

ISBN: 978-1-62929-185-7

Number of pages: 165
Word Count: 59,000

Cover Artist: Amanda Kelsey

Book Description:

Magic locked up long ago for the safety of all awakens in modern society where bad intentions are on every street corner.

Three women unaware of the power their ancestors passed onto them is the only thing that stands between the dark magic that lays in wait.

Available at Amazon

The sun was long past setting as the six gathered deep in the darkness and began moving through the trees.  Their only light was that of the luminescent moon at its fullest.  The youngest of the six led the way, she may have been the least in years, yet the others knew she was the one that held all the strength. 
In her wake, each would turn and check their trail to be certain no one followed.  If their parents were ever to know, it would be the end of them all.  The power and gifts they held secret had been discovered quite by accident a few years before, since that time they had honed their great skills of true magic.
Eden quickly caught up to her sister at the front, a sister of choice and not from blood.  Ducking her head, she whispered as close to Alana’s ear as she possibly could.  “Do you know of the reason for the summoning?”
Alana shook her pitch black hair back from her face.  “I do not.”  She turned towards the lake and increased the pace of her step.  Peering back over her shoulder, she gauged the others closeness and then spoke as soft as a breeze.  “A dark feeling has filled me for many days past, I fear it is not for good reasons we gather on this autumnal night.”  She patted the bundle she carried from cord at her side.  “We must be wary and prepared.”
Eden inhaled sharply and dropped back a pace.  “I shall caution Bridget.”  Alana only lifted her face to the moons rays and continued on.  Turning to look quickly at the three that walked a ways behind, heads close together, she turned and gave Bridget a stare to bring her to hasten her movement forward.  As soon as she was within hearing, she whispered to the ground.  “Alana has dark feelings – yet again.”
Bridget sighed quite loudly.  “I have been a feared of such since two days past, she walks about with that crease on her brow and my guts supposed it were to be brusquely that our scheme was at hand.”
Eden nodded, but daren’t say more for fear of the others overhearing.
Once reaching the lake, the six spread out the distance between their bodies, in habit a circle was formed.  Alana set her bundle upon the ground at her feet and turned to the eldest among them.  “Having done as you stated, not one of us have uttered a query for this assembly you have called, Ella.”  She looked around at her sisters of her choosing to see their rapt attention on the one she spoke to.  “Do end our curiosity, sister and share the meaning if you please.”  She kept her focus on the crimson haired sister, watching for a sign she prayed would not be revealed. Ella flipped her long locks back as she let her eyes move over each girl present.  The last she looked upon was Alana, as she knew to be common with her.
“It is my right to call each of you – as only sisters of our circle apt to do.”  Lenora and Jane were the only of the five that agreed readily.  “The year is now one thousand, six hundred eighty- five. It has been five years past, since the night we found our way to one another, as we are.  I have a wish to ensure the threats to our very lives are secure and to behold a power that we six are deserving of.”
Alana shook her head when Eden inhaled raggedly.  “Sister, Ella, have we not spoke of this to the point of tiring? The hunts have ceased, no more shall be accused nor sought.  We are here, each one of us safe.”  She chanced a glance at the others and found the group was as she knew it to be, split in two groups of three.  “Not once during the trials and fearsome times did even one come to think of us as a sort of betrayer to the word...” 
“Alana, child, you are what now? Ten and three years?”  Ella smiled in that maddening way she had.  “I, having five further years on yours can feel it in my bones, these outrageous happenings are not at a cease and we are very much in need of ensuring it does not come to pass again.”
Alana dropped her head down and let her black hair cover her face whilst she sought out the vibrations of the others dear to her heart.  Lifting her face she beheld the moon hanging over the lake.  “We are but children, Ella.  As god fearing as any that step in the arch of our church, we have nothing to fear.”
“We have everything to fear!”  Ella’s voice rose through the silence of the night.  “I shall be a betrothed woman in short time and then what will become of me when my husband discovers what I am?”
Eden replied before Alana had the chance.  “I am certain William will be ignorant in your habits, sister.  How would he ever find a clue unless you told him you are a witch of magicks.”
Lenora stepped forward and shook her head.  “In less than the years we have been together, each of us shall be wives – then what shall we ever do?”
“I agree.”  Jane said quietly.  “In one year’s time I too will be set to marry.”
Bridget lifted her head and glared at Jane.  “Whoever shall marry you shall get what he has coming to him.”
Tiring from the words they had all said to her many times before, Alana raised her hands in the air and sent a gust of wind through the circle.  “I cannot bear to hear this again, sisters.”  She turned and watched as Ella and Jane nodded to one another.  “I am not taking part in your scheme of evil darkness.”
Ella snorted in an unpleasant manner.  “You would break your word to each present here?”
Alana took a step back, bringing her close to the water’s edge.  “I would not.”  Her eyes quickly met that of Eden and Bridget before she finished.  “I would choose to revoke all I that I have been given than do unjust things to others that cannot defend themselves from your dark ways.”
Lenora gasped.  “You would not...”
Alana raised her hands.  “I would exactly.”
Jane stepped in front of Ella.  “For you to revoke your gifts, would you not be obliged to take all of ours?”
Alana shrugged.  “Mayhap it will take all no one can be certain.”
Ella shoved Jane out of her way.  “You would not dare to try, young sister...”
Eden bent down at Alana’s feet and opened the bundle.  Alana opened her hands in front of her and bit her lip to stop from hissing as her sister placed a small score on each of her palms.  Keeping her focus on the three opposed, she prayed they could not see.  When Eden straightened and walked past Bridget, she knew the task was complete.
Alana clasped a hand each of Eden and Bridget and raised their arms; the blood from the shallow scores upon their hands mixed and brought to her a heat of power that only she could have born.
“Sister, Eden, stop them!”  Lenora cried.
Alana closed her eyes and felt the winds circle her with recognition.  Beneath her feet the ground quivered, waiting for her to speak to it.  As she opened her eyes and focused on the three sisters she did not now touch, she felt the spray from the water at her back cover her in small droplets.  “I cannot be part of something that goes against all that I feel to be right, sisters.”  Tilting her head she looked at Jane.  “Join us in protecting what is just.”
Jane’s eyes widened and for the briefness of a heartbeat, Alana thought there was a small chance she might agree, but she shook her head and stepped beside Ella.  Woefulness filled her insides, even though she knew the outcome days before, her heart begged her to attempt. “Lenora?”  Once more she waited even though she knew another sister was lost to her.  Lenora backed further away and looked at the sand under her feet. “So shall it be,” Alana whispered.
Inhaling slowly she raised her eyes to the moon whose rays bound her to the sky above.  “I call ...”
“Wait!”  Ella’s voice was filled with panic.  “We can speak more of this and draw an end that pleases each one of us together.”
The fear jolted into her from the hands she held.  Without looking at Ella, she sought to feel what was in her soul.  Pain enveloped her heart as the truth coursed into her.  “Why speak of falseness, eldest sister?  I know what lurks in your heart and I must protect the innocent you wish to cause sufferance to.”
Raising her hands higher she spoke to the night. “I call upon the night and all of her energy, come to me and abet me with this, my last task.”  The winds swirled coloured leaves around her, she smiled and let the magic wash over, feeling the warm welcome of it just once more.  Lightening streaked through the clear sky above, she inhaled the power. “I seek to bind this three and three from doing any harm.”  A circle of flames burst around them, flicking as long tongues of three feet high, blocking the outside from entering and the six from leaving.  “I send for safe keeping all that we have, the gifts that you gave, to our furthest ancestors to keep within until there is a dire need of them.”
A stinging traveled along her flesh as the energies gathered, waiting for her leave go of.  “When a time comes that this three and three be together once more, awaken and come again...”  So much power was collecting inside her she had no choice but to cry a single tear, knowing that this was the last time she would feel it in this body.  “Collect inside the generations and carry us forward to a time long from now.”  She could hear crying, but was not to take a chance to see which sister or sisters it came from. “Select the one that bear good will and hold an honest heart and make her remember.  Remember the times of this six and behold the gifts we pass to her.”  A clap of thunder sounded across the sky, its cry echoing over the lake until it faded back into the night.  “I thank you from deep within and now set you free...” 
A strong tunnel of wind gust through the circle, stealing any more she had to speak.  Opening her eyes wider she watched as each sister dropped to the ground, leaving her the last one standing.  A burning washed over her, pulling at her until she thought she could bear it no longer, and then it was gone. Emptiness filled her as the flames swallowed into the ground.  Behind her the water was now lying calmly as it had been when they had arrived. The earth was now silent, as it had been. The rays of the moon seemed no more than a light in the darkness, without power and purpose.
A draining feeling passed through her, causing her legs to weaken under her until she dropped onto the sand and panted to seek to breathe once again.  Looking around, the others didn’t move, they just lay where they had fallen without a word.  When she glanced upon Ella, the hatred was clearly on her face.
“I will have vengeance.”  Ella hissed at her.
Alana rolled onto her back and looked at the sky, feeling like nothing more than a child again.  “You may seek to strive for such.”  She answered softly.  “My will shall fall to my kin far from now and we shall see if you find triumph.”  To feel nothing but commonness once more—it was wondrous to feel.

Was she floating?  See seemed weightless enough to be.  Squeezing her eyes shut, she counted to ten before opening them again.
Hovering above a lake, she could see her own shadow cast on the water from the moon above her.
A dream, it had to be a dream.  The last time she checked none of her life skills involved floating.
Glancing around, she didn’t recognize the area below her. People were walking through trees, or maybe those were just children...
Where was she?
A void feeling came over her, like she was fading...
What was that ringing noise?
Bolting up, Teegan looked around to realize she was in her own living room. 

About the Author:

Jacqueline Paige lives in Ontario in a small town that's part of the popular Georgian Triangle area.  No one has ever heard of Stayner, so she usually tells people she lives near Collingwood and no, she doesn't ski at Blue Mountain or at all, in fact she's not even fond of snow.

She began her writing career in 2006 and since her first published works in 2009 she hasn't stopped.  Jacqueline describes her writing as all things paranormal, which she has proven is her niche with stories of witches, ghosts, physics and shifters now on the shelves.

When Jacqueline isn't working at her reality job or lost in her writing she spends time with her five children, most of whom are finally able to look after her instead of the other way around.  Together they do random road trips, that usually end up with them lost,  shopping trips where they push every button in the toy aisle, hiking when there's enough time to escape and bizarre things like creating new daring recipes in the kitchen. She's a grandmother to five (so far) and looks forward to corrupting many more in the years to come.

