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Thursday, September 06, 2018

Interview Living The Dream by Larynn Ford

What is your favorite genre to write?

After my first three published books, all paranormal, I decided to try my hand at the contemporary side of romance. I loved the story, loved my spunky heroine, and her long-lost love but for the next stories I went back to paranormal subjects. While every romance is magical, I find I like to spice things up with a little sprinkle of the supernatural.

How did you come up with the title for your latest book?

The title of the first book in my Dream Trilogy, In My Wildest Dreams, came to me early on since the book was about unusual and vivid dreams that came true. The heroine, Lynzi Lancaster’s last thought in the book was, “Dreams do come true.” As I typed those last words I thought, they’d be great for the title of book two. Following the same plan, Lynzi’s last thought in Dreams Do Come True was … “And here we are, living the dream.” And so, book three, my latest, had its title.

Do you title the book first or wait until after it’s complete?

In the case of the trilogy and my other paranormal books, Rescued and A Place To Belong (set to be released March, 2019), the titles did come first. I changed the title of the novella after it was completed so that would be a yes and no. As for my current works in progress, I still don’t have a clueJ I’m sure something will come to me by the time I finish them, though. Let’s hope so anyway.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Lynzi Lancaster, a human, is introduced to the magical world of the Fae as well as other mystical creatures. In dealing with a crazy, power hungry Fae relative, it’s hard for her to grasp the fact that not all the Fae are as gentle, and kind hearted as Layne, his immediate family, and friends. She is reassured that although good and evil exists in all species, the good always outweighs the bad.

What is your current “work in progress” or upcoming projects?

My current work in progress is a spin off from Rescued. A sassy, smart-mouthed teen who helped uncover a body part chop shop has earned her right to have her story told.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Sure! The main character, Roxie Sanders is a survivor from a ring of criminals conning runaway kids into donating blood on a regular basis and giving up a spare body part or two…unless they became a problem. At which time they are dismantled and sold to the highest bidder piece by piece. Roxie was one of the lucky ones who made it out alive.
She decided to turn her life around and help others as she had been helped. She completed college, becoming a counselor and working part time for an investigation’s agency. A job in her home town brings certain family secrets to light and explains why Roxie has always been fascinated by fire.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Juggling a full-time job, home, family, and writing can be challenging at times. Okay, most of the time but I seem to manage.

Who designed the cover of your latest book?

Rae Monet does a wonderful job for Soul Mate Publishing.

Just for fun

If you could have one paranormal ability, what would it be?

I could learn to deal with teleporting like my Fae friends. Getting around from place to place in a flash sounds like a great way to travel.

If you could keep a mythical/ paranormal creature as a pet, what would you have?

Not that they would be pets but I love the gnomes in the first book in the trilogy. Twig can come and live here any time he likes.

Living The Dream
The Dream Trilogy
Book 3

Larynn Ford

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Soulmate Publishing

Date of Publication: March 28, 2018

ASIN: B07BH33N72

Number of pages: 194
Word Count: 54k

Cover Artist: Rae Monet

Tagline: Forever’s Not Just A Dream

Book Description:

Lynzi Lancaster Brady is, at long last, living her happily-ever-after with the man of her dreams. Their honeymoon bliss is interrupted when an innocent family visit drops her in the middle of the deadly situation they’ve been dodging for so long.

The troublemaking relative with a vendetta against the family forces them into a final showdown with a disastrous ending that threatens to take the elder of their family from them forever. Will an ancient sorcerer to able to bring her back from death’s door?

Amazon     BN


Allvis grunted his disgust bringing an abrupt end to my vain attempts to gain my freedom when he pressed the blade in his other hand to my neck with a firm pressure. I sucked in a sharp quick breath and held it. One wrong move on my part was certain to send the sharp edge slicing deep into my throat. I’d be a goner for sure.
I gritted my teeth tighter. Hands clamped around his wrist, I dug my nails in deep, ripping at his skin to ease the blade away, and relieve the pressure. He put an abrupt end to my efforts by looping my hair around his fist again and jerking me at least another inch higher. The movement caused the blade to nick my skin. I dangled like a puppet from a string in his grip.
“Lynzi!” I read my name on Layne’s lips, horror and desperation carved into his face as he screamed for me, pounded the air, and begged Aunt Pet to work faster. Allvis grunted his disgust bringing an abrupt end to my vain attempts to gain my freedom when he pressed the blade in his other hand to my neck with a firm pressure. I sucked in a sharp quick breath and held it. One wrong move on my part was certain to send the sharp edge slicing deep into my throat. I’d be a goner for sure.

Allvis howled again. “Hey, boy! Where do you want me to leave her head when I separate it from her weak little human body?”

About the Author:

Larynn Ford is intrigued by the paranormal. She's a day dreamer and a romantic. She loves to let her mind wander always searching for a happy ending to her dreams.

At home in East Central Alabama, she worked as a cook and cashier before becoming a wife and mother. Earned a degree in Elementary Education, taught school, and worked in customer service. All the while her day dreams stacked up in the archives of her mind.

She put some of those ideas on paper in 2009 and she's going to keep on dreaming and searching for those happy endings.

Blog/website: www.larynnford.com


Larynn Ford said...

Thanks for inviting me over today Roxanne. I had a blast!
